The U.S. Energy Information Association reports that residential electrical demands will peak in the winter and summer, even ranging as large as 67 billion killawatthours. Now that we are indeed entering the summer, you may be so inclined to seek service from a local electrician in Newburyport, MA so all of your electrical demands are met before the season truly gets underway. But, of course, you shouldn’t just settle for service from any electrician. You need to make sure your home is receiving the best treatment possible thanks to work from a high-quality, fully-trained technician.
All too often, an unlucky homeowner will wind up hiring an electrician who is all talk but no action, leaving them paying a high price for low-quality electrical service. Cranney Home Services doesn’t want to see you suffer a similar fate, which is why we will help you this summer find a licensed, trustworthy electrician. And, hey, we have a full staff of fully-trained, licensed technicians available to provide high-quality electrical service this summer. We will make sure you get service that is worth every penny, so you’re enjoying the summer with better electricity than ever. If you want to know how to avoid the scams this season, we advise you take the following actions before hiring an electrician to do any work:
- Ask for Licensing: Licensing is absolutely necessary if you want a local electrician in Newburyport, MA who can provide work that is both effective and done with the proper safety precautions. While there are several unlicensed handymen out there who may be able to provide electrical service, it’s better to hire a licensed pro. An unlicensed handyman may be more likely to make mistakes that leaves electricity ineffective and ultimately a safety hazard.
- Get Everything on Paper: Whether it’s discussing warranties or estimates, getting finalized paperwork from your electrician before work begins will give you a definite sense on the hours needed to complete the job, the steps needed to be taken to perform the job well, and the costs of labor and production. You have every right to be suspicious of electricians who will avoid this process, as it may indicate they are hiding information from you.
- Conduct Online Research: The Internet has transformed the way people look for electrical service, especially when there is greater access to information on what services you should (or should not) trust. Sites like Yelp! have customer reviews on electrical service companies to give you greater insight into which electricians are truly reliable. Also make sure to do some research on the service company’s main site, if available, to see if they provide the electrical service you need.
Contact Cranney Home Services today if you want a local electrician in Newburyport, MA that you can trust. We will go above and beyond to provide high-quality electrical service to all our customers this summer!