Boiler Overview
Boilers are defined as a household device serving as a central heating system which provide balanced heat throughout the home during the winter months. Boilers and furnaces are often confused, but the only thing the two have in common is heating your home. Boilers are “Forced Hot Water” systems, providing either steam or hot water as the method of heat; whereas furnaces are “Forced Hot Air” systems using ventilation to push warm air throughout the home.
How To Make Your Boiler More Energy And Cost Efficient
Routine Boiler Maintenance
Setting up a routine boiler service is a great way to prevent the boiler from breaking down unexpectedly. During this relatively quick service, the technician will confirm the boiler meets the current electrical, building, and safety regulations. The boiler casing will also be cleaned and checked for gas leaks, to ensure your system is not releasing carbon monoxide into your home. Boilers require annual maintenance to ensure efficient operation and to fix small issues preventing a larger problem. This will save you money in the long run.
Replace Your Boiler
If your boiler is old and no longer efficient, the solution is to replace it with a high-efficiency model. Replacing an older low-efficiency system with a new high-efficiency system can dramatically change the way your home is heated. The new systems allow up to 98% of the heat to stay in your home rather than funnel out the chimney. Below, is an estimate of annual savings based on heating system efficiency. (Source)
Temperature Set Points
Stop messing with the thermostat! Constantly changing the set temperature causes the boiler to stop and start which causes these systems to run inefficiently. Instead, change the thermostat temperature by only a few degrees when you’re not home. Below, is a short clip of two of our Cranney experts talking about temperature set points and what you can do to stay comfortable this winter.